Morecambe and Wise, Laurel and Hardy, Lent and Abstinence; all of these seem to be natural pairings but Lent has changed over the years.

Yes there was a time when NO CHOCOLATE was the rule, but that changed to DOING SOMETHING EXTRA for someone instead. The move from giving up to taking on. Instead of being negative Lent becomes positive.

And now, in such a busy world, Lent is a time of quiet reflection: time to look at myself and my relationship with God and my fellow human beings; time to STOP and time to START.

STOP: using it as an excuse to diet; being too busy for God and others; … START: looking for God at work in the world; trying to be His hands and feet and heart to those we meet.

Revd Canon Ed Saville, Lead Officer for Social Responsibility Blackburn Diocese